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17. Sound Sensor

Sound sensors are versatile components that can detect and respond to sound levels in their environment. They are widely used in applications such as sound-activated lights, security systems, and voice-activated devices.


Jumper wires
Arduino Uno R4 Minima
Sound Sensor


  1. Make the following connections using the breadboard and jumper wires.


(Sound Sensor to Arduino)

  • DO to pin 3
  • + to 5V
  • G to GND
  • A0 to A0
  1. Paste the following code into your main Arduino sketch:


int  sensorAnalogPin = A0;    // Select the Arduino input pin to accept the Sound Sensor's analog output 
int sensorDigitalPin = 3; // Select the Arduino input pin to accept the Sound Sensor's digital output
int analogValue = 0; // Define variable to store the analog value coming from the Sound Sensor
int digitalValue; // Define variable to store the digital value coming from the Sound Sensor
int Led13 = 13; // Define LED port; this is the LED built in to the Arduino (labled L)

void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); // The IDE settings for Serial Monitor/Plotter (preferred) must match this speed
pinMode(sensorDigitalPin,INPUT); // Define pin 3 as an input port, to accept digital input
pinMode(Led13,OUTPUT); // Define LED13 as an output port, to indicate digital trigger reached

void loop(){
analogValue = analogRead(sensorAnalogPin); // Read the value of the analog interface A0 assigned to digitalValue
digitalValue=digitalRead(sensorDigitalPin); // Read the value of the digital interface 3 assigned to digitalValue
Serial.println(analogValue); // Send the analog value to the serial transmit interface

if(digitalValue==HIGH) // Depending on the sensitivity, you can compare the analog value with the threshold
{ // (adjust the potentiometer clockwise to increase sensitivity, and counter-clockwise
// to decrease sensitivity

delay(50); // Slight pause so that we don't overwhelm the serial interface
  1. Connect your Arduino to your laptop using a USB-C cable and upload the code to the arduino.

  2. Test! Make noises near your sound sensor and watch the LED turn on and off. You can also open the serial monitor to see analog values fluctuate.

  3. Optionally, you can increase sensitivity of the sound sensor by rotating the potentiometer clockwise. You can also decrease sensitivity by rotating the potentiometer counter-clockwise. Additinally, you can adjust the code to only turn on the LED at different thresholds. Look at the comments in the code to see where to make edits.

16. DS1307 RTC Module18. RC522 RFID Module