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22. The Serial Monitor

Shift registers are versatile components that allow you to control multiple outputs using only a few pins from your microcontroller. This is particularly useful when you need to control many LEDs but have limited I/O pins available on your Arduino.


Jumper wires
Arduino Uno R4 Minima
74HC595 Shift Register
Resistors (220 ohms for the LED, optional if using internal pull-up resistors for buttons)
LED (white, red, blue, or green)


  1. Make the following connections using the breadboard and jumper wires.

74HC595 Shift Register Pins:

  • Pin 11 (SRCLR): Connect to 5V (to keep the shift register clear).
  • Pin 12 (RCLK / Latch Pin): Connect to Arduino R4 pin 11.
  • Pin 14 (SER / Data Pin): Connect to Arduino R4 pin 12.
  • Pin 10 (SRCLK / Clock Pin): Connect to Arduino R4 pin 9.
  • Pin 8 (GND): Connect to ground.
  • Pin 16 (VCC): Connect to 5V.
  • Pin 13 (OE): Connect to ground (to enable output).

LEDs and Resistors:

  • Connect the positive legs of the LEDs to the output pins Q0 to Q7 of the 74HC595.
  • Connect the negative legs of the LEDs to ground through the current-limiting resistors.
  1. Paste the following code into your main Arduino sketch:


int latchPin = 11;
int clockPin = 9;
int dataPin = 12;

byte leds = 0;

void updateShiftRegister()
digitalWrite(latchPin, LOW);
shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, LSBFIRST, leds);
digitalWrite(latchPin, HIGH);

void setup()
pinMode(latchPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(dataPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(clockPin, OUTPUT);
while (! Serial); // Wait until Serial is ready - Leonardo
Serial.println("Enter LED Number 0 to 7 or 'x' to clear");

void loop()
if (Serial.available())
char ch =;
if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '7')
int led = ch - '0';
bitSet(leds, led);
Serial.print("Turned on LED ");
if (ch == 'x')
leds = 0;
  1. Connect your Arduino to your laptop using a USB-C cable and upload the code to the arduino.

  2. Test! Very the inputs into your serial monitor and observe the light changes.

21. Shift Registers and LED23. Photocell