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Project 6.1: Two-way Data Communication - String Gauge to PC


Project 6.1 involves creating a system where an ESP32 wirelessly transmits strain gauge sensor value to a computer. This project is built upon the earlier setup (we can reuse project 4.ino) by integrating wireless data transmission, allowing remote monitoring of sensor data.


Strain Gauge
HX711 Amplifier
ESP32 Dev Board
1.8" TFT LCD Screen



  • Socket Creating and Configuration: Create an UDP socket and configure it for non-blocking mode.
  • Connection Setup: Set up the address and port details for both the client and the server (ESP32), and bind the socket to the client’s address.
  • Receiving Data: Receive data continuously from the ESP32 and display it on the console.


  • Sensor and Display Initialization: Set up the HX711 load cell for weight measurement and initialize the TFT display
  • Network Configuration: Configure the ESP32 to act as a WiFi access point and start a UDP server to send data to the client defined by its IP and PORT.
  • Data Handling and Transmission: Measure the weight, display it on the TFT and send this data to the client.

Hardware Assembly

Network Diagram



Include necessary libraries
Define constants for buffer length, server and client ports, and server IP
Initialize signal handlers for clean shutdown

Initialize socket and server/client structures
Create and configure UDP socket
Bind the socket to the client's address
Connect the socket to the server's address
Enter a loop:
Receive data from the server
Print received data to console
Check for "quit" command to terminate loop
Close the socket and terminate


	Include necessary libraries for WiFi, HX711, and TFT display
Define constants for pin configurations and network settings

Initialize serial communication and TFT display
Configure WiFi access point and display network details
Initialize and configure HX711 load cell
Start UDP server
Begin task for sending data

Send Task:
Loop continuously:
Measure weight with HX711
Format and send weight data via UDP to the client
Delay briefly

Measure weight
Display weight on TFT display
Delay briefly to update display


  1. Download project6_1.ino
  2. Change your ESP32 name and password for the access point if you want
  3. Verify and upload the instruction into the ESP32
  4. Connect your computer to the ESP32 access point
  5. Download client file from the folder
  6. On your terminal, go to the client file and run:
make clean all
  1. To proceed measuring an object, we need to calibrate it first, so visit project 4 to see how we can calibrate a known weight object.
  2. The weight of the object should be logged out to the screen

What you should see: