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Project 2: 'Hello world' on Screen


In this project, we will integrate a TFT LCD display with ESP32 using specialized libraries to manage graphics and display some strings to the screen. You should attempt to write code using pseudocode and library methods I provided in this repository (#to be included).


ESP32 Dev Board
1.8" TFT LCD Screen


  • Interface with a TFT Display: Understand the wiring and software configuration needed to drive an Adafruit ST7735 TFT display using ESP32 microcontroller
  • Implement Basic Graphics Programming: Use the Adafruit GFX library to display text and manage simple graphics

Hardware Assembly

Pin Connection:

LCD PinDescriptionTo ESP32 Pin
1. RSTResetP27
2. CSChip SelectP5
3. D/CData/CmdP32
4. DINMOSI SlaveP23
5. CLKClockP18
6. VCCPower5V
7. BLBlacklight5V
8. GNDGround (0V)GND


Include Adafruit_GFX and Adafruit_ST7735 libraries for display control
Include SPI library for communication
Define pin connections for TFT display
Create TFT display object with specified control pins

Function setup:

Initialize the TFT display with specific configuration
Clear the display screen to black
Set text color to white
Set text size to normal
Set cursor position to top-left corner of the display
Display "Hello World" on the screen
Wait for 5 seconds

Function loop:

Do nothing (endless loop)

What you should see: