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Project 4: Sensor Data on Screen


Project 4 aims to create an integrated system using ESP32 microcontroller along with the MPU6050 sensor and an ST7725 TFT display. This project focuses on capturing real-time data and displaying it on a TFT display.


10 DOF IMU Sensor
1.8" TFT LCD Screen
ESP32 Dev Board


  • Sensor Data Acquisition: Utilize the MPU6050 to gather real-time accelerometer, gyroscope, and temperature data.
  • Data Visualisation: Implement a graphical interface on the ST7735 TFT display to show sensor data.

Hardware Assembly:

Pin Connection:

LCD PinDescriptionTo ESP32 Pin
GNDGround (0V)GND
SDASerial DataP21
SCLSerial ClockP22


	Include necessary libraries for MPU6050 and TFT display
Define TFT display pins
Initialize MPU6050 sensor object
Initialize TFT display object with specified pins

Function setup:
Initialize TFT display with black background, white text color, size 1 text
Initialize serial communication at 115200 baud rate
Start MPU6050 sensor
Configure MPU6050 settings for accelerometer, gyro, and bandwidth
Wait for 100 milliseconds

Function loop:
Clear the TFT display and reset cursor to top-left
Declare sensor event variables for acceleration, gyro, and temperature
Retrieve sensor data from MPU6050

Display "Acceleration" label and values for X, Y, Z on TFT display
Display a separator line
Display "Rotation" label and values for X, Y, Z on TFT display
Display a separator line
Display "Temperature" label and value on TFT display
Display a separator line
Wait for 100 milliseconds

What you should see: