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Components List and Installation


ESP32 Dev Board
1.8" TFT LCD Screen
Jumper wires
330 Ω Resistors
Strain Gauge
HX711 Amplifier
10 DOF IMU Sensor
USB Cable

Library Introduction and Installation

For this starter kit, we are going to use many libraries, so we should know how to install library into our Arduino IDE

To install a library (e.g: adafruit_GFX.h):

  1. Search for adafruit_GFX.h arduino library
  2. Download the latest version under .zip format
  3. Open Arduino IDE
  4. Go to Sketch > Include Library > Add .Zip Library
  5. Select adafruit_GFX.h file that you just downloaded

Before jumping into writing code, let’s take a look at what libraries and methods we are going to use. For each library, you can read its document online. However, I have documented necessary libraries and methods we will use in this repository (#to be included later).